Company registration in Ireland (LTD)

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General information

Today, Ireland is one of the twenty countries with the most favorable conditions for doing business. In 2013, Forbes named Ireland the best country to do business.

Transparent corporate legislation, friendly to non-residents, and simplified taxation create comfortable conditions for conducting international business. It is also worth noting that the Hong Kong Autonomous Region has signed many agreements to avoid double taxation.


The Irish LP is a tax transparent structure. This means that LP income is not subject to corporate income tax and capital gains tax. The profits of an Irish LP are considered to be the income of its partners. Partners are required to declare this income in the country where they are tax resident and pay income tax. It is also possible to obtain a Tax Number for an Irish LP.


company income tax


capital gains tax


withholding tax on dividend payments


LPs that do not conduct commercial activities in Ireland are exempt from submitting an annual financial report and undergoing an audit, but are required to submit a zero tax return and Annual Return (up-to-date information about the company’s data, partners, legal address). If a company receives a tax number, it becomes necessary to submit an annual financial report.

*We inform our clients in advance about the renewal date and the need to provide documentation to prepare the report.

Ownership and management structure

An Irish partnership is created by two parties: one general managing partner and one limited partner. One of the partners must be an EU resident. We provide our clients with a partner service, in which case the company is managed through a general power of attorney.

An Irish partnership (LP) can be an alternative to Scottish partnerships because, compared to the latter, information about the beneficiaries is not contained in a public register. Information about the beneficiary of the partnership is available exclusively to the registered agent under conditions of complete confidentiality. The open state register stores information only about the name of the partnership, its status and the date of registration.

Related services for company registration:


Registration of an Irish LP takes from 4 days to 3 weeks, depending on the package you choose.

Prices: from 900 €


Terms: from 4 days

Main advantages

  • Closed register of Shareholders;
  • Possibility to use nominee service;
  • Zero income tax rate.


We have been registering companies since 2015.
More than 110 registrations.

Alla, an expert at Intelligent Solution Group, will answer all your questions


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