Obtaining residence permits, permanent residence permits and citizenship

Business immigration is an excellent way to quickly obtain a residence permit, permanent residence or citizenship through investment. Official status not only gives financially independent entrepreneurs the opportunity to take their company to a new stage of development, but also provides a reserve airfield in case of unforeseen economic and political situations in their home country.

Advantages and benefits of business immigration

The most significant of which are:

  • provision of various tax incentives for business;
  • participation in government programmes that allow you to quickly obtain dual citizenship, permanent residence and residence abroad;
  • opening accounts in a foreign bank;
  • improving the reputation rating of the business;
  • opportunity to enter new markets.

By investing money or buying property, an entrepreneur gets the opportunity to enjoy all the benefits of the citizens of the country where he becomes a resident.

How to choose a country for immigration?

Investors most often pay attention to its economic situation and the advantages that the residency status provides. However, entrepreneurs who have decided to obtain a second passport should emphasise the opportunities for business development and benefits in the chosen state. 

Intelligent Solution Group specialists provide consulting support on the following issues:

  • selection of the most optimal citizenship programme for the investment and country for the implementation of the client's goals;
  • explanation of conditions for obtaining residence permit and residence permit, citizenship;
  • selection of the best investment strategy (purchase of real estate, opening a deposit in a local bank, purchase of units in investment funds):
  • physical support of the client at all stages of document processing;
  • submission of applications, collection of documents;
  • opening a bank account;
  • assistance in buying property, realtor services.

The process of obtaining dual citizenship through the purchase of real estate is a procedure that requires a high level of preparation. Language barriers, differences in mentality and the need to collect an impressive package of documents are only a small part of the difficulties faced by foreign investors.

It is quite difficult to understand the intricacies of the legislation of the chosen state on one's own. That is why hiring specialised specialists is the best way to preserve and increase investment capital.

How we help?

Over the course of our work, our experience has been enriched by a large number of successful strategies related to obtaining a second passport. Before starting cooperation, we always analyse the life situation of the principal, as well as the prospects of business development in the territory of the country chosen for life. 

Do you want to know the details of obtaining citizenship in any jurisdiction? Fill in the feedback form and the company's employees will contact you.

What documents are required for business immigration?

The contents of the document package depend on the requirements of the state to whose territory the business is being transferred.

Alla, an expert at Intelligent Solution Group, will answer all your questions


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