Cryptolicenses for business

A number of countries have introduced state regulation of business in the field of virtual currencies, which means that it is possible to obtain the appropriate permit (license) and carry out cryptocurrency activities legally. A perpetual license for crypto activities may entitle to provide the following services:

  • exchanging cryptocurrencies for fiat money and one for another - operating as exchangers and exchanges;
  • maintenance of accounts for crypto - wallets;
  • intermediation in the exchange of virtual currencies - brokerage services.

FYI. The so-called cryptolicense is not always a license in the usual sense. Sometimes it is about cryptoauthorization - entry in the state register or notification of the relevant authorities.

Why do you need a cryptolicense at all?

If you are interested in creating your own turnkey cryptocurrency exchange and crypto exchange, you immediately need to think about reputation. It is difficult to attract prospective clients working in an unregulated jurisdiction.

Intelligent Solution Group offers a comprehensive service: registering a business abroad + obtaining a license for cryptocurrency activities with an ideal ratio of costs and legal reliability. We help you to obtain a crypto license in Slovakia, Poland, Czech Republic or Lithuania.

Important! Once you obtain a cryptocurrency license in these countries, you will be able to provide services in other EU countries - you just need to notify the local regulator.

How do we help?

We provide obtaining a license for a cryptocurrency exchanger for foreign citizens, as well as legalization of other types of crypto activities, without red tape and bureaucracy.

What do I need to know at the start?


  • absence of a criminal record for economic crimes in the beneficiaries (UBO) and managers of the cryptocurrency company;
  • documented qualifications and experience of the management;
  • sufficient capital to run the cryptocurrency business and fulfill operational obligations;
  • physical office and staff in the country.


  • power of attorney for representatives of Intelligent Solution Group;
  • copies of national and foreign passports of the director/founder of the company;
  • document confirming current residence address - utility bill;
  • CVs of all project participants;
  • incorporation/registration documents for the company;
  • description of activities (business model, business plan).


Our specialists accompany you at each stage of obtaining a cryptolicense:

  • case study and request from the client;
  • selection of a cryptolicense that will suit the client's goals;
  • filing documents for registration of the cryptocompany;
  • opening an account in a bank or payment system;
  • obtaining a taxpayer number;
  • drafting AML/ KYC compliance policies and regulations;
  • preparing documents and applying for a crypto license;
  • obtaining the license or crypto-authorization.

Any issue that arises along the way addressed by the experts at Intelligent Solution Group.

Why Intelligent Solution Group?

  • we select a jurisdiction with a favorable legal environment for crypto-enthusiasts;
  • we provide solution of all legal issues for crypto business from company registration, preparation of AML/ KYC policies and cryptoauthorization to further support;
  • we take care of the details from proper preparation of documents to communication with government officials.

How much does it cost to obtain a license for cryptocurrency activity?

The amount of the cost depends on the jurisdiction. However, the cost should include the registration of a legal entity and the opening of a corporate bank account for it.

Is it possible to open and obtain a license for a cryptocurrency exchanger remotely?

Yes. Intelligent Solution Group specialists are granted a power of attorney, which allows them to perform all necessary actions without personal visit of the client to the country where the license is obtained.


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