Obtaining a cryptocurrency license in Slovakia
The timeframe for obtaining a crypto licence in Slovakia is up to 10 weeks, depending on the chosen service package.
Price: from €8 210
Types of activities allowed by the Slovak cryptolicence:
- Mediation in the exchange of cryptocurrencies. This type of licence allows a firm to exchange digital currency for fiat currency and vice versa, as well as cryptocurrency for cryptocurrency, for a fee.
- Maintenance and storage of cryptocurrency funds. Licence for a company implementing wallets for storing cryptocurrency, creating encrypted client keys, and storing them.
Advantages of Slovakia's cryptocurrency licence:
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What are the requirements for a company to obtain a cryptocurrency licence?
prescribe internal policies (AML/KYC) as well as internal control policies;
identify customers and monitor established business relationships;
comply with international sanctions regimes;
store customer data;
there must be at least one Slovak resident in the company structure. This may be a member of the management board (director) or an employee of the company who fulfils the role of a Responsible Person;
one and the same person may simultaneously hold the position of a member of the management board (director of the company) and Responsible Person if he/she is a resident of Slovakia;
apply a risk-based approach to licensed activities and take account of the risks identified in the national risk assessment;
prepare a three-year business plan with full documentation of the technical and software tools to be used for exchange operations;
report suspicious transactions and operations;
have a good business reputation of shareholders and owners, without a criminal record;
the company director must be a citizen of the EU or one of the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) member states.
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Corporate tax - 22%, can be reduced to 0.5% by using an agency scheme and proper accounting.
At all stages, our specialists will be on hand to answer any questions you may have.
Steps in obtaining a cryptolicence in Slovakia
We have gone through this procedure many times, so we take the burden off the client as much as possible and accompany them on all matters.
Additional services:
payable separately
- bank account opening;
- confirmation of the source of funds;
- connection and integration to the banking software platform;
- accounting support and reporting.
CASE: How to get back the frozen $600k.
A client faced the problem of frozen funds in the account of his international company. The bank where the account was located was in the process of liquidation and froze all the money, starting an audit of its clients.
CASE: The forgotten $400,000.
Our client decided to completely liquidate his company established about 10 years ago in Latvia. In the process of liquidating the company and communicating with the bank, we learnt that the client had $400,000 in his account for several years, which no one remembered about
Intelligent Solution Group – it is
Registration services and company support:
- company registration;
- business relocation;
- company renewal.
International tax planning.
Banking services:
- Compliance, KYC, SOF in the bank;
- bank account opening;
- opening of accounts in non-banks (payment systems);
- confirmation of the source of funds;
- withdrawal from frozen accounts.
Accounting services and audit for international companies.
Succession and inheritance issues for wealthy families.