Company registration in Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyz Republic, Kirghizia) is one of the most open for foreign investment countries in the CIS, and for several years in a row Kyrgyzstan has demonstrated stable economic growth. Registration of a foreign company in Kyrgyzstan in 2023 allows it to enter the EAEU (Eurasian Economic Union) market and join the WTO (World Trade Organisation).

Why Kyrgyzstan?

Intelligent Solution Group specialists have been helping to open companies in Kyrgyzstan since 2011 so that businesses can take full advantage of the jurisdiction:

  • corporate tax - 10%;
  • access to the EAEU markets;
  • no residency requirements for beneficiaries;
  • possibility to open a corporate and private account in a local bank;
  • actively developing industries: light, food, mining, energy.

The state creates conditions for attracting entrepreneurs from all over the world: there are agreements with 27 countries on the absence of double taxation, reduced tax rates for enterprises, bureaucratic procedures are constantly simplified.

The Kyrgyz Republic has free economic zones (FEZs), which provide additional tax and other benefits for organisations operating in them. There are five such FEZs: Naryn, Bishkek, Karakol, Maimak, and Leilek. 

For example, Bishkek has a high-tech park that brings together IT companies and offers reduced tax rates and tax holidays.

Laws allow you to buy and register a ready-made company in Kyrgyzstan remotely. You can put all the hassle of registering a company in this country on the shoulders of Intelligent Solution Group employees. And this is another significant advantage - you get a turnkey business start-up.

Organisational and Legal Forms (OLF) of doing business in Kyrgyzstan

Foreigners can open a company in any of these OPFs:

  • A branch acting as a dependent enterprise;
  • LLC (LLC) - up to 30 participants, minimum 1 director and 1 shareholder;
  • CJSC - up to 50 participants;
  • OJSC - the number of participants is not limited.

The minimum amount of the authorised capital is 1 som. Funds can be transferred to the bank account within 1 year from the date of opening of the company. With any OPF it is desirable to have a director who receives a salary (the provision should be fixed in the charter of the company).

Registering a company in Kyrgyzstan with the help of Intelligent Solution Group

In order to register a company, it is necessary to submit a package of documents to the Ministry of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic. On average it takes 10-14 days to open a company, additional time will be required to open a bank account.

Intelligent Solution Group provides accounting and international business registration services in Kyrgyzstan. The work is carried out in several stages. ISG lawyers:

  1. help you decide on the type of activity of the company and FEZ in Kyrgyzstan, analyse the business case, geography, counterparties; advise on legal and tax issues;
  2. choose a company name that complies with all legislative norms. Conclude an agreement on the use of a physical address for a legal entity;
  3. form a package of documents for company registration, fully supporting the process; submit a request for company registration;
  4. after approval by the Ministry of Justice and receipt of the certificate, the company must be registered with the tax and social insurance authorities. ISG specialists will then hand over the completed and signed package of documents to the client;
  5. it will be necessary to come to Kyrgyzstan to open an account. We accompany you at this stage as well. We will help to draw up a package of documents, submit them to the bank, which we will choose in advance, based on the client's wishes; we will pass all bank checks. After successful account opening, we can provide online banking service, help to make payments, and pass compliance control if requested by the bank.

What documents are required to register a company in Kyrgyzstan?

To legally open a firm in the international market of Kyrgyzstan, you need to provide:

  • application for registration;
  • copies of passports of directors and founders, secretaries, if any;
  • constituent documents, articles of association of the company;
  • if the client's documents are handed over by our representative - a power of attorney. All documents will also need to be notarised.

What taxes are in force in Kyrgyzstan?

Basic tax rates:
1. corporate income tax - 10%;
2. VAT - 12%;
3. taxes on dividends and interest - 10%.

Alla, an expert at Intelligent Solution Group, will answer all your questions


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