Work schedule: Mon-Fri 9:00-18:00 (EST) Sat, Sun - Closed
Read useful information prepared by our experts. We share current news, both global and about the company, and publish special offers for our customers.
Special offers
22nd of January, 2024
A Kyrgyz passport is an essential tool for a business owner if he or she needs to have a "backup" citizenship and conduct business between Europe, CIS, and Asia.
14th of November, 2023
You have the opportunity to get a Hungarian residence permit at a reduced price - take advantage of a special offer that will be available until the end of 2023.
12th of October, 2023
Opening, extending, closing a company abroad, as well as any other manipulations with a foreign business require knowledge of all the legal subtleties.
25th of August, 2023
In the near future, entrepreneurs in Ukraine will have to solve many issues related to the organization and submission of reports to the tax office regarding controlled foreign companies (CFCs). The first reporting period will begin in 2024 and will cover the companies' activities in 2022 and 2023.
5th of June, 2023
Thailand has seen a surge in the number of applications to register tourism-related companies in 2023, reflecting the recovery of this sector in Thailand's economy and the growing confidence of investors and entrepreneurs
22nd of February, 2023
Special offer for Paraguay residence permit: within a month from the date of publication the cost of the service is 30000 euros + visa for travelling to Paraguay to apply for a residence permit as a gift!
16th of January, 2023
A bank account in Kyrgyzstan is an opportunity to store money safely, pay for purchases and exchange currency, and send money to banks in Europe and across the CIS. Kyrgyzstan's financial sector is stable and banks provide customers with all the services they need.
13th of October, 2020
Если вы — налоговый резидент Украины (физическое или юридическое лицо) и владеете частью либо фактически управляете иностранной компанией или образованием без статуса юридического лица, то вы можете быть признаны лицом, контролирующим КИК. Тогда с 1 января 2021 года к вам могут быть применены правила КИК, а в случае неуплаты налогов — штрафные санкции, возникает ответственность вплоть до уголовной (ст. 212 УК Украины).